Turnbull China Bikeride
Turnbull China Bikeride - Disc 1.iso
PGP Signed Message
152 lines
The contents of this archive integrate PGP with ReadNews version 0.30. It is
possible that these scripts will also work with version 0.24, but this has
not been checked.
Version 1.2, 18-May-1994.
This file, the scripts and the BASIC program are copyright © Paul L. Allen,
1993, 1994 all rights reserved. You may copy this archive and pass it on
provided that no changes are made, and that you do not charge any money for
doing so.
Copy the scripts in the Scripts to !Rucp.Userhome.<username>.Scripts,
substituting for <username> as appropriate. You will have to do this for
all users you wish to have access to PGP, although later versions of
ReadNews may allow the scripts to be installed globally - check the latest
ReadNews documentation. ReadNews scans the scripts directory when you login
as a particular user, alternatively you can tell ReadNews that the scripts
exist by bringing up the script option from the main menu and clicking on it
(do not follow the arrow if there is one, just click on the script menu
entry) - this causes ReadNews to scan the scripts directory.
Copy Library.split_msg to wherever you put the library files that came with
ReadNews (uud, uue and uux). Normally this would be $.Library, but if you
have more than one drive you may wish to do something clever with Run$Path -
the file PGPhints which comes with the Archimedes PGP distribution gives
more details on this.
Scripts available
PGPaddkey Adds the public key in the current article to your public
keyring. This will not work if the whole article has been
signed afterwards - you need to PGPdecrypt it first.
PGPchk-sig Checks the signature on the current article.
PGPdecrypt Decrypts the current article, and appends the cleartext to
the end of the article.
PGPencrypt Signs and encrypts a message.
PGPsign Signs a cleartext message.
PGPview Decrypts the current article and shows the original article
with corresponding cleartext in an edit window.
Make sure that !PGP has been seen by the filer before you try and use any
of these scripts, or the script will complain that the !PGP application
has not been seen.
Bring up the ReadNews main menu, and you will see a Script entry - follow
the arrow and click on the appropriate entry (this assumes that you have
installed the PGP scripts in the current user's scripts directory). Note
that PGP is run in a CLI window, so there is no multitasking - this minimizes
the memory requirements for use and speeds up processing.
PGPaddkey, PGPchk-sig, PGPdecrypt and PGPview all apply to the current
article - when you select them, the article is processed without further
intervention (other than asking for your passphrase where necessary).
PGPencrypt and PGPsign apply to a message that you are about to mail or post
(usually you sign news and either sign or encrypt mail). Create a message
(mail or news, original or reply) in the normal way. When you are satisfied
with your message, click on the appropriate script entry. A dialogue box
will appear: bring up the save box on your edit window and save the message
to the script's dialogue box. If you're encrypting, you must then enter
the recipient(s) by hand (see below). Then click on the `OK' button and the
message will be encrypted and sent.
Temporary files are used for decrypted text, so even though they're
deleted after use, all scripts *including* PGPview will still leave
sensitive data on your disc which may be recoverable with a disc sector
editor until the filing system re-uses the relevant sectors. You have been
The reason PGPencrypt wants you to enter the recipient(s) yourself is because
mail expects a comma-separated list of recipients and PGP can't cope with
that. Although it would be possible to take the recipients from the mail
header and convert the format with an external program, there appears to be
no way to pass this information back to the ReadNews script so it can invoke
PGP automatically. Yes, I know ReadNews scripts can handle environmental
variables, but not if you want to display the contents in a dialogue box
(which is vital so the user can tweak the list if necessary).
PGPencrypt now presents a menu for the list of recipients, and allows spaces
in recipient's names without having to quote them - you enter multiple
recipients as follows:
Joe Bloggs
Fred Bloggs
and the script takes care of putting in the necessary quote marks behind
the scenes and passing the information in a form PGP can handle.
PGPdecrypt appends the cleartext to the current article rather than replacing
the encrypted text for a number of reasons:
1) If something goes wrong, you don't lose the original.
2) The original may consist of an encrypted portion and an unencrypted
3) You may want to retain the original so you can later prove its validity
to a third party from the digital signature.
PGPencrypt and PGPsign will not complain about !PGP not having been seen
until *after* you click on OK button of the dialogue box - this is due to
an annoying misfeature of the script language.
Revision History
Version 1, 11-Apr-1993
Initial release.
Version 1.1, 05-Mar-1993
Scripts modified to check if PGPpath variable has been seen, and abort
with an error message if not - this avoids having PGP fire up only to
complain that it cannot find the public key file.
Consequential changes to this ReadMe file.
Version 1.2, 18-May-1994
Scripts modified to cope with the new OLE protocol used by ReadNews 0.30
which broke the earlier versions. PGPencrypt changed to handle multiple
recipients via a menu and to accept spaces in recipient names without
quotation marks. PGPview now includes the whole of the original article
in case there are unencrypted portions you wish to examine.
Consequential changes to this ReadMe file.
Version: 2.3a